The Founder of Ma-Eum Su-Ryun | Teacher Woo Myung
Bringing the method of subtracting the mind, which did not exist in the world, to actuality | Ma-Eum Su-Ryun ushers in the era of human completion

The Focus in His Life, and the Story Until He Founded Ma-Eum Su-Ryun
Currently, in more than 40 countries around the world, Ma-Eum Su-Ryun, which was founded by Teacher Woo Myung, is being practiced.
Teacher Woo Myung is a writer, poet, composer, and calligrapher who has published several bestselling books. He has written seven books and three collections of poetry, produced approximately 40,000 pieces of calligraphy, painted one hundred drawings, and composed 25 songs. But above all, he is an educator and lecturer who has accurately communicated the true nature of the mind and has led people to recover their original essence and achieve human completion through the founding of the Ma-eum Su-ryun method. Teacher Woo Myung was born in Euisung, Kyungbook and although his business was greatly successful, even in such a life, he promptly started to walk the path to Truth.
On January 3rd 1996, after becoming free of the self, and achieving complete Truth, he realized his fate was to teach truth and thus he founded Ma-Eum Su-Ryun.
He began to relay the seven step method of Ma-Eum Su-Ryun, which is throwing away the human mind and becoming the mind of truth that is the universe, to the people of the world.
Truth cannot be known, but must be enlightened
Teacher Woo Myung kept pondering over how to help all people more easily become truth. Although he had become Truth and needed no further cleansing, without ceasing, he meditated to research and understand from people’s perspectives.
Teacher Woo Myung says, “The way to Truth should be possible for anyone. It should be scientific, systematic, and with time, there should be enlightenment to the extent that a person has cleansed.” (Excerpt from ‘The Path to Truth’)
“There is nowhere that Truth is not, and enlightenment is Truth,” says Teacher Woo Myung. He also states, “Enlightenment is knowing as much as one’s mind, which so tightly binds the self, is broken free from. The consciousness is awakened only when one goes towards the complete Truth, and one knows only to the degree that one has become Truth.” The 8 level method that Teacher Woo Myung developed is process to enlightenment. Level by level, one will enlighten and pass to the next level according to the amount that one has discarded through the Ma-Eum Su-Ryun method.
Even knowing the method to Truth is something that must be enlightened. Therefore, I had to incessantly study from the perspective of people. In doing so, I was able to know the method for human completion, or in other words, the method to get to Truth. Furthermore, I enabled people to become Truth. I succeeded in making a method in which anyone can do the study and can become Truth, which is achieving human completion.
I hope all can become complete people
The subtraction method of Ma-Eum Su-Ryun that has been developed is scientific, precise, and elaborate.
As a result, the meditation students can ‘enlighten truth through practice’ and can come to clearly know what goals to reach and can go down the path to Truth. It is not about vaguely approaching some unknown path. One must be able to go with confidence. Each year, Great teacher Woo Myung tours around the world giving lectures and educating on Ma-Eum Su-Ryun. He devotes himself to the cause of helping all the people of the world become one and live lives of Truth.
It is impossible to express with words how joyous I feel when countless people enlighten. There is nothing better than when people’s consciousness change from the false to the real. For the first time, people are awakening and achieving human completion and as the founder, it is profoundly moving. My hope is that all people can become truly complete.
Source: www.meditationlife.org