Seongyeong Hong (51 yrs old)
Level 7 / Cheonahn Meditation, Korea
Written in Apr 15, 2015
Due to my disease (depression) that started in my mid-20s, I lived shriveled up within myself, feeling intimidated and insignificant. I spent my life wandering around trying to find a method to cure me.
Although I received many treatments such as western medicine, oriental medicine, and folk therapy, I did not easily get better. Just when I thought I was improving a bit, I would relapse and relapse again. This cycle would repeat itself and I lead a very difficult life. In the midst of all of this, by chance, I spoke with an acquaintance who recommended I try this meditation. I promptly registered and started meditation at my local center.
Through level 1, I was able to look back on how I lived from the moment I was born until current day. My strict elderly grandfather always scolded me and my father and I was not even allowed to talk. From that moment on, I realized what I had piled up in my mind one by one. I came to understand that this ultimately ended up giving birth to the current ‘me.’
As I reflected on my life over and over and threw away very diligently, it was amazing and surprising to realize the universe is me. I stopped hating my strict grandfather and my father who couldn’t say a word against him, and became grateful. I was shocked at my transformation.
As I went up the levels, I was simply left with gratitude and even within my daily life as I was able to think from the other person’s perspective, my anger and irritation greatly diminished. I am now thankful for the depression and pledge to continue to practice the meditation.
Source: www.meditationlife.org