

Heaven has no limit.

Heaven is silent.

There are no humans in Heaven.

There is nothing in Heaven.

Heaven is as you see it.

Heaven, man, and earth are not separate;

but because they distinguish them,

people are too ignorant to know me.

Heaven remains as it is eternally,

but man creates a heaven in Heaven.

Though it possesses not a single thing in this world,

Heaven does not blame or complain that

it has or has not.

People do not know that

everything in the world is a dream,

and so they seek out reality from within their dreams.

People living in this world do not know

the flow of the Universe – of Heaven.

Heaven is boundless and silent;

Heaven is as it is,

but people create their own heavens,

unwilling to learn this order of Heaven.

Everything that exists in this world

is no different from that which exists in Heaven,

but people do not know this, so they are lost.

There is no one who has entered into Heaven –

every human being that is visible is already in Heaven,

but people lived deceived,

constantly in search of it.

Heaven is not far away;

where you live now is Heaven,

but you will not find it,

for you look to the sky in search of it.

Ignorant people!

Senseless people!

You are lost because

You do not know that you and I are one.

No wonder you are unable to find me,

for you try to fit me to you.

The most valuable thing in the world is

the whole of creation.

The noblest thing in the world is the whole of creation.

But people feel anxiety, for they do not know that

all creations are both one and the same.

It seems I cannot persuade them that

anxiety and delusions exist

only for those whose selves exist.

Upon seeing me and my unchanging eternality,

people have given me many a name

and have worshiped me.

It is not such worship I enjoy

but that people know we are all of one body;

what I enjoy is nature’s flow.

– Woo Myung