Soon Suk Park (65 yrs old)
Level 1 / Eunpyung Center, Seoul, Korea
Written in Nov 24, 2015
When I first practiced meditation, I couldn’t concentrate and it was difficult, but little by little things were discarded from my mind, and I was amazed with myself. And I felt that I was able to throw away so I decided to do another week of meditation.
As I was able to concentrate and the discarding went faster than the first week, I came to know the universe mind a bit more, but I felt one week was insufficient.
I felt the excitement in my heart. Ah! Will I really become the universe mind? I was impressed with the enthusiastic guidance of the helpers and I was grateful.
As I continued to practice at my local meditation center, I focused on my mistakes, regrets, resentment, bitterness, and disobedience to my parents. I couldn’t control my tears and I increasingly concentrated on discarding myself.
Due to this meditation, I have found a new me. Thank you.
Source: www.meditationlife.org