Green Love (47 yrs old)
Level 3 / Gwa-cheon Meditation Center, Kyung-ki, Korea
Written in Sep 25, 2015
I thought meditation was really hard. Every time I went into the meditation room to meditate, I thought, “This really isn’t easy. This isn’t an easy situation for my body and mind.” But at some moment, I became desperate and came to follow the method exactly as told. Then it became easier and I started to feel more comfortable.
So I just entrusted it entirely to the method. As I reflected on my life, I was sorry and repented. There was nothing I had done properly. I enlightened that everything that happened in the world was actually within my mind world.
From the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I would judge, compare, pretend that I knew, and pretend I was well-off. I lived thinking it is that and this according to my standards. In the end I wasn’t able to just live life as it was given by the origin. I realized I was imprisoned in the hell of my mind.
In other words, I was the one who had made my own hell. I pretended to be refined, intelligent, and pure. I realized as I pretended to be all different things, I made it truly difficult for the people around me. Ultimately, I enlightened that every step is to deny and deny this mass of fakeness, this falseness that is me and throw all these minds away. I am truly embarrassed. I will do this study until the last step in order to throw away all of these minds.
Source: www.meditationlife.org