Sun Young Kim (34 years old)
Level 1 / Andong, Kyungbook, South Korea
Written in Sep 25, 2015
A few years ago, my uncle recommended I try meditation and asked, “What is living?” As I was always busy working I did not really hear those words. After my father died the work he did so the things in my mind and heart went unresolved, so it was very difficult. Around that time, my uncle again suggested that I try it. But I thought, “How will that help me?” and was not easily persuaded. In the end, my uncle signed me up for the classes telling me that I must visit the center. So I reluctantly went to the meditation center. Now, I am so grateful to my uncle.
I do not know much because I am still in the early stages of the meditation, but I am grateful that I can now empty my mind. Through this opportunity, I am reflecting on my mind for the first time. Going forward, I will throw away much more as I continue to meditate. Thank you to the meditation helpers and sub-helpers.
Source: www.meditationlife.org