Ji Won Han (49 yrs)
Level 1/ Cheonahn, Chungnam, Korea
Written in Mar 25, 2015


While coming to this meditation center, my mind was so complicated and confusing. I wanted to look back my 50 years of life, and at the same time, I wanted to make a new turning point. I also felt like I would explode if I did not empty out the stuff that filled my mind. While coming to this meditation center after making up my mind, I could agree with the explanation that the pictures I had taken were fake.

While taking out the pictures one by one and throwing them away, the love, the anger, and the sorrow that I had hidden in those pictures flew out and made me melancholy. When the tears flowing from my eyes, I realized that even those emotions were false pictures I had created.

As I discarded those pictures following the method, my mind got lighter and I felt better. The things that filled my mind slowly have faded away and I came to have a bigger and more accepting mind. It’s so grateful time. I am thankful for this method of discarding mind.


Source: www.meditationlife.org