Hye-eun Suh / Worker
Since my parents’ divorce, multiple bad situations overlapped. And then my health began to decline further and further. I felt depressed, suffered from insomnia stress related gastritis, etc. You could say my body was a walking hospital. In particular, my menstrual cramps were severe. The week prior to the start of my menstruation, my abdomen would start to hurt and a few days later, it would be difficult for me to even walk. Although it is only once a month, more than 10 days out of the 30 I would be sick leaving me exhausted the entire month.
Because of my menstrual pains, I quit my job and lost my confidence
I tried herbal medicine, vitamins, supplements, and homeopathic medicines that were supposed to be good for the body but nothing seemed to work. At least I was able to get by with pain medicine but as I kept taking them, my stomach only got worse.
My basic health itself was not very strong and then to have 10 days of menstrual pains eventually lead to me quitting my job. What kind of work could I possibly do with this kind of body? My confidence fell. I heard that my mother also had severe menstrual pains so I figured it was genetically inherited and there was nothing I could do.
Then one day, after a year had passed, one of my close childhood friends came to me looking so much brighter. While doing this meditation, she thought about me a lot. “That difficult life originally isn’t mine.” My friend comforted me and I immediately started the meditation.
Since birth, I had never been welcomed by the elders in our family. After my younger brother was born, I felt like he took away my mother’s love, so I resented my mom and the unfair male female discrimination. I also felt the burden of being the oldest child in the family. I wanted to put all these aside so I threw away all of these minds. My mom, my younger brother, my yearning for my mom’s love. I threw them all away.
As soon as my mind was emptied, my menstrual pain, depression, and insomnia all disappeared
As one week passed, I could feel that my mind was emptied. For such difficult emotions to just disappear! I was so grateful to have such a method.
About one month later, I started to throw away my minds that were attached to this body, and strangely, my menstrual pains started to decrease. It was possible only because the root causes in my mind were resolved.
“All illnesses come from the mind.” I could relate to that. Now that I have reached the final level of the meditation, I have no problems in my daily life and of course my work. My menstrual pains, depression, and insomnia have completely disappeared. And even the mind that “my body is no good” has disappeared.
I was sad to fall behind due to my bodily illnesses and was afraid of starting any kind of work. But now I am confident that whatever comes before me, no matter what, my body will not be affected by it. Will it really be emptied? I want to tell those who doubt whether the mind can be emptied and who are continuing to let illness grow in their minds that all those minds are false. So all you have to do is throw it away. Then the mind and body will be healthy again.
Source: www.meditationlife.org