Yoo, Y. K., Professor, Kunsan University
Yi, M. J. Teacher, Kimhae Neungdong Elementary school
Published year: 2012
To examine the effects of the Ma-eum Su-ryun program on self-esteem and school adaptation abilities in elementary school students, 50 third graders were recruited to participate in the program twice a week, with 30 minutes each session. The result showed increased self-esteem and improved school adaptation abilities.
It also showed that as the students’ self-esteem increased, school adaptation abilities were also enhanced.
Study purpose
This study sought to investigate the effect of Ma-eum Su-ryun program on self-esteem and school adaptation in elementary school students to strategically support students’ school life and to improve their mental health.
Study participants
The program was taught by a certified Ma-eum Su-ryun teacher and 50 students whose parents consented to the participation were included in the study. Of these 50 students, 25 were assigned to an experiment group and the other 25 were assigned to a control group.
Study procedure
Duration: March to July, 2012 (a total of 15 weeks)
Participants: 50 elementary school students
Frequency: twice a week
Time: 30 minutes each session
Study results

The self-esteem scores of the experimental group increased from 2.32±0.21 (before the program) to 2.45±0.24 (after the program), but the control group had no change with similar scores of 2.29±0.23 (before) and 2.30±0.29 (after). The group which participated in Ma-eum Su-ryun program showed statistically significant improvement(F=15.706, p<0.001).
School environment adaptation
The school adaptation scores of the experimental group increased from 2.37±0.26 (before the program) to 2.52±0.27 (after the program), but the control group had a decrease in their abilities to adapt to school environment from 2.29±0.27 (before) to 2.24±0.29 (after). The group which participated in the Ma-eum Su-ryun program showed statistically significant improvement (F=44.565, p<0.001).
Correlational relationship between self-esteem and school adaptation
When analyzing a correlational relationship between the experimental and control groups’ self-esteem and school adaptation, a significant correlation was shown between before (r=.810) and after (r=.822) the program. This demonstrated that as their self-esteem increased, their ability to adapt to school environment increased as well.
Conclusion and suggestions
This study was able to confirm that self-esteem and school adaptation abilities were improved when the students participated in the Ma-eum Su-ryun program. The results also demonstrated that as self-esteem increased, their school adaptation abilities were also enhanced. As essential individual character and habit formations occur in early childhood, it is suggested to further expand the program to school age children.