Nicole Tait / long island, NY
So often we think of the ultimate destination as a place that exists outside of ourselves. A tropical beach, a stunning vista, a tranquil mountain lake. If only we had the money and time to travel to these places, if only our lives afforded us the opportunity to enjoy the world as we were meant to.
However, once we start the journey inward, we stop seeking satisfaction outside of ourselves. We realize those experiences are fleeting, and in fact the ultimate destination lies within us. From this point onward we see that every event, every landscape, every person is simply a reflection of ourselves.
This meditation gives us a map to chart these internal waters. Like a treasure map, leading us to an oasis within ourselves. It steers us in the right direction, level by level, showing us the way back to ourselves, to our own humanity. This I believe is mankind’s true destination.
By focusing my energy on this goal, many other aspects of my life have also improved. Since I started this meditation I’ve completely stopped getting sick. I used to get really bad colds throughout my life, but since I started meditating my body has become much stronger and more immune to diseases. The last time I got sick was during a period when I had stopped meditating, so it became obvious to me how important this meditation is for my well being.
It also became apparent to me that this meditation is unlike any other. Meditation is becoming very popular these days as a way to calm our minds and ease tension in our bodies. While there’s no harm in relaxing your mind and body through awareness exercises and deep breathing, in the end these types of meditation have a limit to the depth of their treatment.
I was never able to fundamentally change my mind and treat the cause of my illness in any other meditation. No place else in the world taught me exactly what the human mind is and how to release myself from the strong and destructive attachments I had formed throughout my lifetime. Many spiritual practices and religions talk about the importance of cleansing our minds, but no where else was I able to find a simple, direct, and effective method to actually accomplish such a thing.
Because this meditation addresses the entirety of our mind and the human condition, it does take some time, courage, and concentrated effort to complete. During this journey I’ve realized the importance of patience and endurance. Many times I didn’t have all the answers, my current state was not where I wanted to be, and some part of me wanted to walk away.
It’s so tempting to give up when things don’t go the way we plan, but the universe asks us to trust that we are on the right path and to take heart in the journey. The more that I have faith in the process, the more gratitude I have for this meditation even existing, allowing me to see the value in every obstacle I encounter. Steering me towards a destination of infinite potential.
The Earth is boundless. Vast stretches of mountains, endless expanses of ocean, a sky stretching to infinity. It beckons us to open our minds to the possibilities, mirroring our true potential. Looking at nature I am comforted knowing there is another way to live. One of joy, freedom, and true connection.
I’m so grateful that through this meditation I am learning how to let go of my rigid conceptions, so I can live a truly joyful life and really help the people I love. I feel that this is the reason I was born and why I live. I’m thankful to Woo Myung for shining a light on what was once a dark path for me. During difficult times we all need someone to show us the way. I believe Woo Myung is that light for the world right now.