Jun-Ok Park and Dong-Soon Bae
Park Jun-ok (88) and Bae Dong-soon (72) have many things in common. The fact that they look surprisingly younger compared to their actual age, and the fact that they consider people around them first and take initiative, there are many young people who want to resemble their lives. Most of all, the two who lived longing for the truth said that they emptied their minds and finally found true happiness. The two grandmothers’ happy talk that they have abandoned the regret of difficult times and the fear of aging.
There’s nothing to be sorry about or sorry for, I can be happy when I don’t have my mind
Joon-ok Park: Time flies. I don’t know when I aged like this. It’s been a while since I didn’t know how old I am.
Dong-soon Bae: When I heard that someone died at the age of seventy when I was fifty, I thought that he died moderately. But, I’m already seventy now (laughs)
Joon-ok Park: Still, how good you are, because you are younger than me.
Dong-soon Bae: No way. You are still neat and pretty, and it works at whatever age.
Joon-ok Park: I always do as much as I can. My leg hurts, but you are still okay. I went to practice and ate the meal together with you, and it was fun.

Dong-soon Bae: So it’s respectable. When I meet my age, it’s all about being sick and worrying about the child.
Joon-ok Park: I would be the same if I wouldn’t start this meditation. After practicing the meditation, I was able to throw away my anger. Because each person’s mind is different, each person is going their own way, but if they let go of their minds, you have nothing to do with it. So, oddly enough, the children do better.
Dong-soon Bae: Yes If I hadn’t forgotten that, I would have been the same. I used to practice very hard before. The karma must be destroyed. Even the kids will be good. But one day, when my daughter washes the dishes, I hear the sound of broken dishes. That’s when I asked her if she didn’t get hurt. Then it turned out that this was a big deal if I had polished my minds, and I was thinking about how much I’d live in the life and get rid of it.
It’s hard to live, so I find the truth on my own.

Joon-ok Park: I’ve been looking for truth. I’ve had a very difficult 70 years. It was harder than anything else, especially because of my anger. I’m an old person on the outside and I hate myself even if I can only say ‘yes’. I think I will be born worse in the next life. Somehow, I have to solve it. Then I met this Meditation. How good is it to take out what I have done?
Dong-soon Bae: You know I started this meditation just a month ealier than you. After hearing about this Meditation, I just wanted this. I could know that this is the study which has an end by abandoning all unconsciousness and breaking the whole thing.
Joon-ok Park: I’ve never been to the school in my life and I’m so ignorant. So I went to the meditation center and said, “Could I still do this meditation even if I have not been to school at all?” I asked. He said that anyone can do it because the answer is already within you. The word comes to my heart. Because I think I’m ignorant, so I just meditated for 13 or 14 hours a day. They said to throw away the things in me, but there was a lot of minds that I couldn’t let go about my husband. I didn’t even know that it was piled up inside. I was good at just being patient. Finally, I could feel it keeps disappearing, so I can’t even tell how good it was.
Dong-soon Bae: I knew that my mind would be the same as long as the conditions came, as long as I was in my subconscious mind. After 12 days of meditating and meditating, I knew what my original existence was because my current self disappeared.
Joon-ok Park: Yeah, the answer is in me. So you can do the same as me. Once my consciousness grew, the universe came in. I didn’t know what it was, but it was so good. Every process comes with enlightenment, which is truly amazing
In spite of a life full of inferiority, after enlightening the origin of the mind, I felt thankful

Dong-soon Bae: I had a lot of inferiority in particular. Inferiority about what I have not learned, inferiority to myself. Because of that, I want to be recognized, I want to be proud of myself, and treat others bad. I knew that my inferiority had ruined my lifetime.
Joon-ok Park: Yeah, it’s all my fault. What I hated was how my husband treated me. I know it’s all my fault, and I’m thankful that I found this mind and sorry for hating him. So, how easy it is to let go of my mind. So I ask my friends to do this study. I told her, “What do you do when you are old?” Otherwise, you will be endlessly suffering while being dragged by your accumulated minds. You can throw it away.
Dong-soon Bae: If I hadn’t practiced this meditation I would still have lived with inferiority. Just think about it…. Ah~! (laughs) I just feel grateful the fact that I woke up.
Joon-ok Park: Many of our friends passed away. It’s a pity if they don’t know where they’re going after they die. Yes, anyone is afraid to die. Don’t worry; your life is up in heaven. How happy I would be if I disappeared while walking. The better the children are, the more I want to pass away smoothly. There is a good place to close your eyes, but it’s sad that people know that life is here.
Dong-soon Bae: Since my mind becomes one with the origin of the mind, I can see the endless universe and even smaller things than the dust track with my mind. Because it is all one. This is the place of liberation, this is where I came from, and I thought it would be a place to go when I die. When I die, I know where to go, so I have no fear of death.
Old age comes to everyone, but how you spend it is up to you
Joon-ok Park: Everyone becomes old, but how you spend it is up to you. I am already eighty and I have nothing, but I love it now. It’s good to be old, so my friend told me that they’ve never seen anyone say things like I do before. But when you’re old, you have nothing to worry about. Which one asks for money, afraid of dying, afraid of getting sick. I eat the meal right now, I move around well, what do you have to worry about, Heaven takes care of everything. I tell my kids, When you have enough to eat, spend money for the world.
Dong-soon Bae: Yes, it is. Now, young people are at a really good age, so I hope they meditate well, study hard and work a lot to build a lot of blessings.
Joon-ok Park: Thank you so much for meeting this mind study now! That’s it. No worries, no worries anymore, because I’m always so happy. No matter how well you live and get rich, you are not happy. I can’t be so happy if I don’t have true mind and become one with the original foundation.
Dong-soon Bae: It is right. Thank you for everything. Really. (laughs)
Dong-soon Bae was born in 1943 in Gunwi-myeon, Gyeongbuk Province, as the oldest of two boys and two girls. she married at twenty-seven years old and had one son and two daughters. When she was 43 years old, her husband died from the military and lived in Daegu. She started practicing this meditation in January 2000.
Joon-ok Park was born in Uiseong, Gyeongbuk Province in 1927 as the youngest of one man and one woman. She married at the age of 16 and had two boys and two girls. As a young woman, she made and sold handicrafts to raise children, and In February 2000, she started practicing this meditation.
Source: www.meditationlife.org